Angel Tech


Angel Tech

A Modern Shaman’s Guide to Reality Selection



Antero Alli





Original Falcon Press

284 pp



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Angel Tech is a comprehensive compendium of insights and techniques for the direct application of Dr. Timothy Leary’s Eight-Circuit Brain model for Intelligence Increase. What Dr. Leary posited as theory (Exo-Psychology) and Dr. Robert Anton Wilson brilliantly demonstrated in sociopolitical, mathematical and intellectual proofs (Prometheus Rising), Antero Alli has extended into tangible tasks, exercises, rituals and meditations towards an embodied realization of brain change through first-hand experience. Angel Tech challenges the reader to redefine “Intelligence” according to hir own direct experiences and finally, dares us to live accordingly. In print for over twenty years, the Third Revised Edition of this classic “performance” book has been updated and revised based on the author’s most recent research results.