The Collected Works of Aleister Crowley (3 Volume Set)


The Collected Works of Aleister Crowley

Volumes I, II & III



Aleister Crowley



c. 1990

Yogi Publications

Hardcover 3 Volume set

Fine condition 

In stock


The Collected Works of Aleister Crowley contains his early esoteric writings and poetry and comprises the first collected edition of his writings.


Volume 1 – Aceldama. The tale of Archais. Songs of the spirit. The poem. Jephithah. Mysteries. Jezebel, and other tragic poems. An appeal to the American republic. The fatal force. The mother’s tragedy. The temple of the holy ghost. Carmen Saeculare. Tannhauser. Epilogue. Appendix.

Volume 2 – Oracles. Alice: An adultery. The Argonauts. Ahab and other poems. The God-eater. The sword of song. Ambrosii magi hortus rosarum. The three characteristics. An essay on ontology. Science and Buddhism. The excluede middle; or, the sceptic refuted. Time. Epilogue.

Volume 3 – The star and the garter. Rosa mundi, and other love-songs. The Sire de Maletroit’s door. Gargoyles. Rodin in rime. Orpheus. Epilogue and dedication. Appendix A. Bibliographical note. Appendix B. Index of first lines.

About the Author

Aleister Crowley, born Edward Alexander Crowley, and also known as both Frater Perdurabo and The Great Beast, was an influential English occultist, mystic, ceremonial magician, poet and mountaineer, who was responsible for founding the religious philosophy of Thelema. In his role as the founder of the Thelemic philosophy, he came to see himself as the prophet who was entrusted with informing humanity that it was entering the new Aeon of Horus in the early 20th century. Born into a wealthy upper class family, as a young man he became an influential member of the esoteric Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn after befriending the order’s leader, Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers. Subsequently believing that he was being contacted by his Holy Guardian Angel, an entity known as Aiwass, while staying in Egypt in 1904, he “received” a text known as ‘The Book of the Law’ from what he believed was a divine source, and around which he would come to develop his new philosophy of Thelema. He would go on to found his own occult society and eventually rose to become a leader of Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.) and he continued to promote Thelema until his death. Crowley has remained an influential figure and is widely thought of as the most influential occultist of all time.

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