The Equinox Vol. 1 No. 9 (Keep Silence Edition)


The Equinox

Volume I ~ Number IX

The Review of Scientific Illuminism



Aleister Crowley




Keep Silence

313 pp



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The Equinox Vol. 1 No. 9 (The Review of Scientific Illuminism) is the Official Organ of the A∴A∴, written and edited by Aleister Crowley is a classic in occult and Thelemic thought.

This edition based on new scans from a copy of the March 1913 first edition. All of the images used to create this book were created by taking scans of a first edition copy and then digitally enhancing the black ink and removing the paper texture from the background. The images printed in half-tone were run through a special descreening process to remove the moiré patterns.

Contents of Number 9

The Temple of Solomon the King (“Continued”)
Lines to a Young Lady Violinist on Her Playing in a Green Dress Designed By the Author
Energized Enthusiasm
The “Titanic”
A Literatooralooral Treasure-Trove
Dischmatal by Night. By Arthur Grimble
A Quack Painter
At Sea
The Vitriol-Thrower
The Fairy Fiddler. By Ethel Archer
An Evocation of Bartzabel the Spirit of Mars
The Testament of Magdalen Blair
Ercildoune. By Aleister Crowley
Athanasius Contra Decanum
My Crapulous Contemporaries. No. VII. A Galahad in Gomorrah
How I Became a Famous Mountaineer. By Percy W. Newlands, P.R.A.S., P.R.B.S., P.R.C.S., P.R.Y.S., P.R.Z.S., Etc., Etc.
The Tango: A Sketch. By Mary D’este and Aleister Crowley
The Big Stick

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