Four Treatises Together with Selected Writings (Leather Edition)


Four Treatises Together with Selected Writings








The Classics of Medicine Library

347 pp

Leather Hardcover with raised bands and gilt lettering and decorations. Marbled endpapers. Cloth ribbon.

Fine condition

In stock


This is a deluxe subscribers edition of Four Treatises Together with Selected Writings by Paracelsus.

Paracelsus (Phillipus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim: 1493 – 1541) was one of the first of the European alchemical writers to underline the link between chemical experiment and spiritual development, and is acknowledged both as a precursor of modern scientific medicine and chemistry and as a major figure in alchemical and esoteric thought.

Contents include: “Seven Defensiones, a Reply to Certain Calumniations of his Enemies”, “On the Miner’s Sickness and other Miner’s Diseases”, “The Diseases that Deprive Man of his Reason such as St Vitus’ Dance, Falling Sickness, Melancholy and Insanity & their Correct Treatment”, “A Book on Nymphs, Sylphs, Pygmies, and Salamanders and other Spirits”, and Literature, followed by Jacobi’s “Selected Writings”.

The first treatise gives a passionate justification of his character, activities, and views, and gives a picture of the man and his basic ideas. The second treatise is a study of the diseases of miners, with whom Paracelsus had spent a great deal of time. Then follows a treatise on the psychology and psychiatry of Paracelsus. Written at a time when mental diseases were beginning to be studied and treated by physicians, this pioneering essay anticipates a number of modern views. The last essay, entitled “A Book on Nymphs, Sylphs, Pygmies, and Salamanders, and on the Other Spirits,” is a fanciful and poetic treatment of paganism and Greek mythology, as well as a good sample of Paracelsus’ philosophy and theology. Together these essays show one of the most original minds of the Renaissance at the height of his powers.

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