Labyrinth of Mind by Ghost of Earth is a collection of poetry inspired by the magical and oftentimes arduous landscapes of the human mind. The collection centers around themes like depression, anxiety, manic elation, ghosts, monsters, mirrors, secrets, truths, human nature, and occult magic. Contained within are various creatures and alter-beings to guide us and shape our fraught visions, like the ominous black-catlike being Darkmind, and the mysterious collective known only as Those with the Eye. Venture with this ghost into dark corners and lofty peaks, as together we uncover the depths of the human and not-so-human experience.
About the Author
Working under the name Ghost of Earth, Jen Scholten is a writer, performer, artist & evolving human-like creature. She has been writing since the tender age of nine years old, in the first days of The Weeping Tree. Themes like depression, anxiety, grief, manic elation, nature, occult magic, ghosts, monsters, and inter-dimensional travel are some of those you will continually find her interested in. Labyrinth of Mind is her first published collection of poetry. She currently resides in the moody Pacific Northwest.
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