The Book of KAOS Tarot Deck (small size)


The Book of KAOS
Tarot Deck

(Small sized deck – 3″ x 4.5″)


Orryelle Defenestrate-Bascule


80 Cards & Text Booklet


New – boxes for these decks are handmade and are in varying conditions. The decks are new and unused.

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The Book of KAOS Tarot Deck by Orryelle Defenestrate-Bascule

This is a brand new deck and has never been used.
The deck has a special feature on the back. If you flip through the cards, the Fool appears to move.

From Orryelle, the Artist:

“Originally titled, ‘The Bohemian Tarot’ -(under which the original Major and Minor Arcana sets were published separately as A5 limited-edition (100 copies) folios around 1991) I redrew about half of the Major Arcana a decade later to form the deck into ‘The BOOK of KAOS’, an inter-sect-ion of ChaOrder Magick and the aeonic double current of Horus and Maat. The introduction of these added layers of esoteric symbolism do not detract, however from the deck’s original appeal of directly emotive, pagan and tribal imagery.
The 2001 Limited Edition was the first time the completed BOOK of ChAOS Tarot Deck was published as a whole. The 111 copies sold within 6 months.
The change of the ‘ChAOS’ of that edition to the ‘KAOS’ of this one is for two reasons:
By traditional Hebrew Qabbalistic Gematria (a system intimately related with the Tarot) KAOS = 151 = QNA, The ‘Double-Wanded One’ or horned hermaphrodite so prevalent in this decks imagery, especially the new alternate ATU VI and ATU XV presented for the first time in this edition, showing different aspects and interpretations of these trumps.
But primarily because K in the Hebrew alphabet is Kaph, the letter corresponding with ATU X, The Wheel, which is the Cross-X-roads of the Tarot Lemniscate and thus the fulcrum of the Major Arcana. Indeed the TARO itself is this ROTA or Wheel of Fate. Thus the Book of KAOS is the Holy Book (TORA) of the Wheel (ROTA): TARO, and the Gate (ATOR) Beyond (ATU XXIII)…
The AOS of the title thus also pays tribute to Austin Osman Spare,, the ‘grandfather of ChAOS magick’ who set this K-AOS Wheel turning – founder of the Zos Kia Cultus whose legacy is continued in Works such as this which promote Art as the prime menstruum of Magick…”


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Weight 1 lbs