The Priestess and Pearls: Rituals for the Journey to the Divine Feminine


The Priestess and Pearls

Rituals for the Journey to the Divine Feminine



Georgia van Raalte




Black Moon Publishing

86 pp



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The Priestess and Pearls : Rituals for the Journey to the Divine Feminine by Georgia van Raalte

From the Author

These rituals trace the waves and curves of my path to the divine. It is my hope that they may act as illumination, or as a map for your own journey. The creation of these rituals were processes of gaining knowledge; their performance brought understanding. Writing these rituals was an exercise in creative devotion. Performing them was a lesson in the reality of magic, and the irresistibility of its circuits and waves.

These rituals utilize juxtaposition and movement across boundaries. They are sites of liminality, and thus power. They are games, toys; and the most serious technology we have ever had. These rituals offer a space of communitas, a suspended community in the liminal, ritual space, a mode of being with others that is utterly transformative.

These rituals are magpie nests, built from all the shiny symbolism and structure I could lay my greedy hands upon. These rituals can be anything you want them to be; solemn rites or fantasies, mystery plays or literary provocations. Their reading offers a carnival of images in which to saturate your soul. Their performance offers lessons in being, in doing, and in communitas. You may gain as much or as little from them as from a journey on the train. Abide for a while, and watch the phantasmic flora and fauna glide past the window of your literary vision. You will not seem to move; yet it will be that you have traveled very far.

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