The Techniques of Magick – Practical Magick by Phillip Cooper (author of The Magickian, Basic Magick, Sigil Magick and others) is an excellent book for those beginning on the magickal path.
Magick is a simple and effective way to control one’s own future by tapping the inexhaustible resources of the subconscious. In Techniques of Magick, Phillip Cooper tells us how it works.
He shows that the world about us is actuated by a number of forces operating in accordance with set laws. The subconscious mind directs the forces of nature and they in run alter the environment, the facts we live with to shape our future career as directed. There is no tyranny of fact in nature; to lay down bounds and say man cannot cross them (as to deny that he can travel beneath the ocean, fly through the air, or visit the Moon) is to doom oneself to be remembered, if at all, as a false prophet.Nothing is impossible for man. But to find the open sesame that frees us from whatever has been the case until now, is not the work of the conscious mind, nor can men, by taking thought, add one cubit to the statures. That is rather the work of that great discoverer and innovator, the subconscious.
Each man’s subconscious is one with universal power, universal mind, and universal life. The forces that actuate the natural order, and that are symbolized by the luminaries and the planets, are manifestations of universal power. It is the force that drives the green fuse through the glower, the quickening pulse within all. You are that. Your subconscious being omnipotent, omniscient, and unendingly creative, it directs the forces of nature, as we have said. It follows that to control and direct the drives of the subconscious and make it shape our future career as directed or perform what other tasks we will is therefore to control the world we live in and what befalls us. And control those drives we do, whether consciously or in ignorance, whether for well or ill, for whatever we do or think is taken by the subconscious as a signal and command that sets it the goals for which it strives. Magick therefore begins with self-control, which brings endless rewards to the wise, for, as has been observed, “the right thing happens to the happy man.” Put otherwise, character is destiny.
Phillip Cooper explains the pure theoretical underpinnings of Magick in order that the novice, when ready to perform Magick, may know what he is doing and be at all times in control of the outcome. He provides, step by step, practical guidance on preparing for the exercise of Magick, sets out instructions on how to create and perform rites that will have precisely the desired effect, and offers one complete ritual by way of illustration. He then devotes the second half of his treatise to a detailed explanation of the symbolism with which one communicates with one’s subconscious.
The result is the thinking man’s guide to Magick. It liberates man from the idols of the marketplace, the school, and the temple; it sweeps away the mumbo-jumbo of religion, the terrors of superstition, and the charlatanism of the Occult. It is to be hoped that it will succeed in lifting the ordinary, unrelieved distress and failure that still, after all these centuries, daily stalks the ordinary life.
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