The Icelandic & Swedish Rune Poems (Limited First Edition)


The Icelandic & Swedish Rune Poems


Translated by

Mathias Nordvig






131 pp

Softcover – first edition limited to only 333 copies


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The rune poems are a group of alliterative items found among speakers of West and North Germanic languages. They provide not only names for the runes but consist of creative treatments of the traditional order of the runic alphabets, the Futhark.

In this second entry in a planned three part series covering all of the rune poems, Danish scholar Mathias Nordvig (University of Colorado Boulder) translates and discusses the Icelandic and Swedish rune poems. In these three poems, two of them quite rarely translated into English, we learn that each rune has a name and these are explored by the poets in artistic and fascinating ways.

This edition also includes discussion from Nordvig on examples of early bindrunes alongside original depictions of a variety of important runic finds from especially Sweden by Jacqui Alberts (wovnwyrm), and an original introduction from scholar Haukur Þorgeirsson (Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies). It is edited by Joseph S. Hopkins ( & Hyldyr).

First edition limited to 333 hand-numbered copies.