The Infernal Masque (Limited Edition)


The Infernal Masque



Richard Gavin





Theion Publishing

160 pp

Hardcover – limited edition of only 890 copies


In stock


The Infernal Masque by Richard Gavin explores the vital interplay between primordial darkness and infernal fire. It is the dynamic tension between these two elements that creates the sublime frisson within the flesh and soul of the Initiate, immersing them in the ecstatic tempest of daemonic reality. So awakened, one may consult the legions of the Dead, commune with spirits and eventually participate in the grand danse macabre that is the Infernal Masque itself.

Incorporating the ancient magical principles of the Eidolon, sciomancy, and Theia mania (“divine madness”), along with more contemporary themes such as estrangement and the uncanny as modes of spiritual transformation, this work is a visionary exposition of the numinous powers that vitalize the phenomenal realm from the Netherworld below. Complete with suggestions for practice and ritual, The Infernal Masque is a powerful doorway into strange and seductive realms of true magical power and experience.

About the Author

Richard Gavin is an acclaimed author of non-fiction esoterica and supernatural horror fiction. His previously published works include The Benighted Path with Theion Publishing and The Moribund Portal: Spectral Resonance and the Numen of the Gallows for Three Hands Press.

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