The Key to the True Kabbalah


The Key to the True Kabbalah

Volume III Of The Holy Mysteries



Franz Bardon





Merker Publishing

279 pp

Hardcover – dust jacket protected in mylar

Very Good condition

Out of stock


In the Key to the True Kabbalah, Franz Bardon demonstrates that mysticism of letters and numbers — the true Kabbalah — is a universal teaching of great antiquity and depth. Throughout the ages, adepts of every time and place have achieved the highest levels of magical attainment through the understanding of sound, color, number and vibration as embodied in the Kabbalah. This book, the third in Bardon’s remarkable texts of Hermetic magic, is nothing less than a practical guide to such attainment.
Using the common German alphabet, Bardon guides the reader through ever greater levels of Kabbalistic achievement. No other available text reveals as great a depth of Kabbalistic wisdom or provides the reader with as much practical training.

Though intended primarily as a working text for those who have completed Bardon’s first and second volumes, Initiation into Hermetics and The Practice of Magical Evocation, the present work stands on its own, and even those without the requisite background in practical Hermetics will be fascinated by the author’s intellectual journey through the mysticism of Tantric India, Tibet, the Hebrew Kabbalah, and the ancient sources of the Western magical tradition.

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