The Magic Seal of Dr. John Dee (2009 ~ Limited First Edition)


The Magic Seal of Dr. John Dee

The Sigillum Dei Aemeth



Colin D. Campbell





The Teitan Press

155 pp

Limited First Edition – signed by the author, this is #153 of 777 copies, no dust jacket as issued

Fine condition

Out of stock


The Magic Seal of Dr. John Dee – The Sigillum Dei Aemeth by Colin Campbell comprises a detailed examination of the history and structure of the Sigillum Dei Aemeth of the Elizabethan scholar and Magus, Dr. John Dee, as well as a study of its use in the practice of ritual magic. The appendixes include a new transcription and translation of Dee’s Liber Mysteriorum Secundus, and an important new translation of the section of the famous grimoire, The Sworn Book of Honorius, that gives details of what is clearly an early form of the Sigillum Dei. The author has written that from the perspective of a practicing magician, the work has two principal aims: “to demonstrate the importance of the pattern established by Dee’s Sigillum Dei as opposed to its implementation, and to bring the Sigillum Dei out of the limited confines of the Enochian temple and into its role as a powerful magickal system in its own right. The recognition of the patterns established in the construction of the Sigillum Dei allow us to view the seal in a new light, not as a static framework decided once and for all hundreds of years ago in the study of a Rennaissance magician, but as one that can be reconstituted in the light of modern interpretation. Furthermore, the seal is, in essence, a system of evocation – the very same method of communication used by Dee & Kelley in its reception. This book explains the nature and method of this approach and how the practicing magician is able to use the Sigillum Dei in the manner in which it was truly intended – as a powerful system of planetary magick.”

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