Witchcraft and Second Sight


Witchcraft & Second Sight in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland



John Gregorson Campbell





Absinthe Publishing

258 pp

Hardcover reprint of the 1902 original, no dust jacket as issued


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John Gregorson Campbell collected numerous tales and traditional stories from the folklore of Scotland. Witchcraft and Second Sight in the Highlands & Islands of Scotland was published posthumously in 1902. It collects tales of Scottish witchcraft, magical practices, weather working, second sight, and spectral hauntings.

John Gregorson Campbell (1836-1891) was a minister and folklorist. He collected many stories and tales of the Scottish Highlands and islands. Campbell was born near Loch Linnhe at Kingairloch, Argyll. He was a Free Church minister of the united parishes of Tiree and Coll in Argyll. His work was published in numerous contemporary publications including the Scottish Review, Celtic Magazine, and Highland Monthly.

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