Wolf’s Hooked Cross by Frater Kafyrfos is the second volume in a series of works that delve deep into the mysteries of the Gnosis of the Devil, presenting a deeper look into the mythos, philosophy and practice of this unique Current, previously introduced in the book Diabolic Gnosticism. Where Diabolic Gnosticism presented us with the philosophical basis of how to understand the mysteries of the Blood and the Devil, Wolf’s Hooked Cross shows us the practical methods to work with said mysteries. The praxis of Diabolic Gnosticism involves recognizing the sinister essence of writhing Chaos within and setting it free. It is a dynamic and organic way of understanding and using magic, psychology and spirituality. This book describes the cycles of rituals, initiations and the symbolism of the Devil’s Current.
Diabolic Gnosticism, or the knowledge of the Devil, is an alternative to Christian Gnosticism and offers a post-, anti- and non-Christian perspective or framework for coming to know the divinity of the Blood – the Blood-as-God or the Devil-as-God. Diabolic Gnosticism could be considered to be the combination of exoteric Devil worship and esoteric Blood worship, Diabolic Gnosticism being a wide reaching sinister spiritual movement. Devil, Chaos and Death worship currents are the exoteric form of actual Blood worship and Blood Mysticism, Blood Mysticism being the esoteric spiritual path. The Devil in Diabolic Gnosticism is not temptation and weakness. It does not represent the failings and failures of an adherent, but rather it is the inner Will and the anti-human urge. The Devil in many ways is the instigation of withdrawal from humankind and humanity generally. By withdrawing from one’s humanity an individual can then come to know of his depth of character. One becomes a stranger or an outsider to many-too-many.
Wolf’s Hooked Cross re-introduces us to an updated version of Diabolic Gnosticism, explaining old and new concepts about its philosophy and mythos in a new light, but rapidly focuses on the true goal of this book: the praxis. Whether alone or as part of a larger group, the Diabolic Gnostic will find everything they need to tread the Path of the Devil, from sigils and runes to chants and summonings.
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