Gnostica : Contemporary Esotericism


Contemporary Esotericism
(Gnostica: Texts and Interpretations Series)


Edited by
Egil Asprem and Kennet Granholm



Equinox Publishing
470 pages
First Edition Hardcover
Like New condition – no dust jacket, as issued


Out of stock


The study of contemporary esoteric discourse has hitherto been a largely neglected part of the new academic field of Western esotericism. Contemporary Esotericism provides a broad overview and assessment of the complex world of Western esoteric thought today. Combining historiographical analysis with theories and methodologies from the social sciences, the volume explores new problems and offers new possibilities for the study of esoterica. Contemporary Esotericism studies the period since the 1950s but focuses on the last two decades. The wide range of essays are divided into four thematic sections: the intricacies of esoteric appeals to tradition; the role of popular culture, modern communication technologies, and new media in contemporary esotericism; the impact and influence of esotericism on both religious and secular arenas; and the recent ‘de-marginalization’ of the esoteric in both scholarship and society.

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